Get Started

Install the templates

To install the templates for Fabulous for .NET MAUI, run the following command:

dotnet new install Fabulous.MauiControls.Templates

You can check the installed templates on your machine by running the command:

dotnet new list

You should see the installed Fabulous for .NET MAUI templates:

Template Name           Short Name             Language  Tags                       
----------------------  ---------------------  --------  ---------------------------
Fabulous Maui.Controls  fabulous-mauicontrols  F#        Fabulous/Maui/Maui.Controls

Create a project

To get started, we are going to use the simplest Fabulous for .NET MAUI template: Fabulous Maui.Controls (or fabulous-mauicontrols in the CLI).

Run the command:

dotnet new fabulous-mauicontrols -n GetStartedApp

This will create a new folder called GetStartedApp containing the new project.

In this folder, you'll find a project named GetStartedApp. This project uses the single project format to target several platforms from a single codebase.

Run a project

We are now ready to run the project!

Go into the GetStartedApp directory and run:

# run the Android app
dotnet build -f net7.0-android -t:Run

# run the iOS app
dotnet build -f net7.0-ios -t:Run

# for other platforms, use the corresponding TFM (net7.0-xxx)

You can also open the solution GetStartedApp.sln with your favorite IDE and select the platform you want, then press debug to deploy and run the app.

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